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Teaching Resources

Activities you can adapt for any classroom!

Juego de pirámide (1).png

Vocabulary Practice

Juego de pirámide

This is a great game to use to help students practice their ability to  explain the vocab words in the chapter, rather than just focusing on the native-language equivalents. This allows them to develop their  ability to use circumlocution, a skill that comes in useful for those learning a second language.

Grammar Practice

Si le das una galletita a un ratón

This is a great activity to help students recognize the patterns of the future tense conjugation. Students tend to struggle with recognizing and using these patterns, so this activity has them practice both by filling in the blanks of verbs in the future tense.

si le das una galletita a un ratón (1).png
shark tank (1).png

Grammar and Vocab Practice

Shark Tank

This is a great activity that focuses on building on grammar and vocab from unit 9 of Experiencias: Intermediate Spanish. This chapter focuses on technology terminology and covers  si clauses, including future, conditional, and imperfect subjunctive tenses. The shark tank project allows students to take what they are learning in class and apply it using creativity step by step.

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